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EPOS I Sennheiser GSP 301 Gaming Headset and Noise-Cancelling Mic - Open Box
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EPOS I Sennheiser GSP 301 Gaming Headset and Noise-Cancelling Mic - Open Box
Price: US $47.99
  • EPOS ENGINEERED SOUND – The GSP 301 closed acoustic gaming headset delivers immersive game sounds with deep bass performance and acoustic clarity.
  • COMFORTABLE DESIGN – Play your best as the memory foam earpads ensure best-in-class comfort and acoustic insulation.
  • ERGONOMIC ADJUSTMENT – Enjoy a superior fit with a headband that can be easily adjusted to different head sizes and shapes.
  • BROADCAST QUALITY MIC – Be heard clearly as you speak without background noise thanks to the noise-cancelling microphone; easily mute yourself by merely raising the boom arm.
  • INTUITIVE VOLUME CONTROL – A volume wheel on the right ear cup allows for quick adjustments while gaming.

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